Now, like any country, Kenya is far from perfect, but it has come so far in just my lifetime. After a bitter struggle, Kenyans claimed their independence just a few years after I was born. And after decades of one party-rule, Kenya embraced a multi-party system in the 1990s, just ...
Even after selecting a country, seeing an example address simply can't cover all the possible edge cases in foreign address formatting. Abbreviation, casing, apartments, post office boxes and more wreak havoc on your ability to get the address right. What's worse, is the problem compounds the...
The world’s most severe ban on plastic bags was imposed in Kenya in 2017, where anyone producing, selling—or even just carrying—a plastic bag could theoretically receive a jail sentence of up to four years, or a fine of USD40,000 (Lam et al. 2018; Biswas and Hartley 2017). Since...
District Health Information Software (DHIS2)35 is another data source that could be considered for similar tasks, e.g., the malnutrition data being collected at the health facility level in Kenya could be utilized to further forecast acute malnutrition hot-spots in the future. In addition, ...
[19]. In SSA, many have recognized that cardiovascular diseases are a significant contributor to mortality; for example, in Kenya, acute myocardial infarctions are not uncommon [71]. Tanzania has observed a significant increase in the number of deaths for cardiovascular disease (from 16% in ...
Container-based sanitation (CBS) is one example of a market-based approach to sanitation. In the past 10 years, different entrepreneurs started implementing CBS services in various countries such as in Kenya, Ghana, Haiti, Madagascar, Peru, and India. While CBS approaches vary in their implementa...
When U+ABCD notation is used in this way, a trailing space will be included to separate U+ABCD from subsequent text, if any.For example, "AlgU+00E8 ria" represents the string "Algèria"The following paragraphs contain strings which are all considered equivalent to other strings within ...
Do those calculations need anything more than the country? What about in Kenya? Again, I want to avoid a default of oversharing - I want to avoid moving the bar so that more PII is sent 1) than is currently sent and 2) than is necessary. I don't entirely know how to satisfy your...
I am happy to note that the Government of Kenya is in the process of finalizing the Refugee Bill # in order to address the refugee phenomenon 我高兴地指出,肯尼亚政府正在最后完成 # 年难民法案,以便解决难民现象。 MultiUn These letters - bills mostly - are addressed to Olga Musser. 全是...
For example, the ban on plastic bags in Kenya has been undermined by the illegal trade in bags across land borders (Godfrey, 2019). Where economic incentives have been applied, such as the industry-led PETCO (the South African PET Plastic Recycling Company) system in South Africa, greater ...