Locations and solutions for treasures are displayed on the map, along with the achievement they are associated with and any rewards they contain. Each treasure icon will disappear once it has been looted. The locations of mounts, pets and other collectibles found in the open world are also note...
DragonflightUI classic World of Warcraft (classic) Addon to bring the new Retail UI to WoW Classic! Features Minimalistic - Modern - Modular No carbon copy of the new retail Dragonflight UI, but afaithful adaptionwith extra, classic related features. Beta, butbattle-testedinside Naxx and Uldua...
BtWQuests: Warlords of Draenorcontains the initial garrison quest chain aswell as the shipyard questlines along with the major quest lines for leveling zones BtWQuests: Mists of Pandariacontains the major quest lines for leveling zones in Mists of Pandaria BtWQuests: Cataclysmcontains the major quest ...
Added The Chieftain's Duty quest chain to Friend of the Dragon Isles category Updated Sad Little Accidents chain in Azure Span with the quests following the first dungeon quest Updated Ruby Life Pools quest chain in The Waking shores with missing quests ...
100% FREE. No Paid Upgrades WowMatrix is 100% FREE. There are no premium upgrades and no credit card is required. Easy AddOn Management Download, install and update your favorite World of Warcraft AddOns with just a few simple clicks. ...
Adds multiple (optionally colored) categories for the most common Dragonflight items in AdiBags (AdiBags is required!). Features Localization (feel free to contribute on Curseforge!) Mergeable Categories Custom Colors A Prefix you can customize ...
AtlasLoot_Dragonflight AtlasLoot_Shadowlands Optional Addons Atlas What is Atlasloot AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. Features Dressing Room: Control-click items to show them in the Dressing Room. Price Preview: See...
The most popular addons for World of Warcraft Achievements NPCScan 57,924,535 RareScanner 39,380,831 TomCat’s Tours (now includes DragonFlight Dragon Flying Glyphs, Lunar Festival Elders, and Love is in the Air) 23,117,688 _NPCScan.Overlay 20,719,338 TomCat’s Tours (now includes Zer...
AdiBags is a World of Warcraft addon that displays the contents of your bags in single view, distributed into several sections using smart filters. It is heavily inspired by Nargiddley's Baggins. Configuration is available through Blizzard addon panel, the/adibagschat command, and by configuring...
Bagnon 5 opinions 9935 downloads learn more Bagnon 3.6 5 0 Zperl 0 opinion 1799 downloads learn more Zperl 0 5 0 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) 1 opinions 1084 downloads learn more WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) 5 5 0 Draenor Treasures 2 opinions 3831 downloads lea...