for i = 1, NUM_MACRO_ICONS_SHOWN do local MacroPopupButton = _G["MacroPopupButton" .. i] MacroPopupButton:HookScript("OnEnter", Iconic_MacroPopupButton_OnEnter) MacroPopupButton:HookScript("OnLeave", Iconic_MacroPopupButton_OnLeave) MacroPopupButton:HookScript("OnClick", Iconic_MacroPopup...
Raid Items If you open up the Raid Items tab you can select from a drop down which items to look for. Only these items are possible to be scanned for so you don't have to worry about someone going through your bags and looking at your items. You can also report these items out to...
Season 8: Ascension UNLEASHED Ascension October 17, 2022 Frostmourne Content Tier 3 | Frostmourne Relentless Gladiator Season Warmane October 11, 2022 Release of ICC Saurfang-WoW October 6, 2022 Dalaran – Era I, our new realm is open
Create Sell Addon wrekklol/WoW-Ascension-AddOnsPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork3 Star1 Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Commit Browse filesBrowse the repository at this point in the history...
combat AddOns, convenience AddOns, freeware, glances, GUI software, live, loved, Lua software, open-source software, software, UI AddOns, Usability, World of Warcraft 3 (WotLK), World of Warcraft 3.3.5 (Ascension), World of Warcraft AddOns, World of Warcraft AddOns with Git repositories ...
combat AddOns, convenience AddOns, freeware, glances, GUI software, live, loved, Lua software, open-source software, software, UI AddOns, Usability, World of Warcraft 3 (WotLK), World of Warcraft 3.3.5 (Ascension), World of Warcraft AddOns, World of Warcraft AddOns with Git repositories ...
彩虹ui 整合包 (經典版). Contribute to WOWRainbowUI/AddOns-Classic development by creating an account on GitHub. An excellent AddOn control panel. It does not have set functionality though, so I used AddonSwitcher for that. It's too hard to see if something is enabled/disabled Change the list to one column This existed in... Manages garrison missions. Oh, that's why it's called that. Auto-selects the most appropriate followers for missions, letting you blaze through those seven alts worth of missions. Continue Reading Comment FishermansFriend...