If a player is using a localized client, they would presumably also want addons to be localized to that language. To accomplish this, all text presented to the user should be translatable; this section discusses strategies for addons to support localizations, and simplify creation of new localiz...
Ground Targets (AoE, spells that are casted on the ground) A few tips If you now go to the option second from the right Aura Display, then you can set what each window is supposed to show. As you can see, it shows you at the top which pre-defined Buffs are being tracked by this...
Note that zhTW locale is not supported yet.- The /ltp quest command now shows the quest title (in addition to the quest ID) if it is cached by the client. If the quest title shows 'Unknown', entering the command again should show the correct title.- Leatrix Plus is now partially ...
- The 'Enhance dressup' option now shows a toggle stats button in the character frame. You can either click this button or middle-click the character frame to toggle stats. For new Leatrix Plus users, stats are now shown by default. ...
Shows Bars for important events during a Boss Fight. Added a backport of emphasized bars. Bars that begin at 15s or less or Bars that have less than 10s left move to the emphasized group which can be placed separatly and increases the size of the Bar. ...
KC no longer counts extra kills when multiple spells hit at the same time. Each killing blow spell is still recorded and reported, but only 1 KILL is counted. You will probably notice a drop in kills reported per hour, but that's because the kills reported are much closer to being corre...
The configuration has the following: the name of the spell as it appears in the combat log, the text you want to display and a tag (all, slave, master, paladin, etc). Each time a toon gets the proc, the tag is checked to make sure that this toon can send a message. If the too...
It can be useful in certain situation. It delays macros, that's all. It doesn't work for protected function suchuse,cast,target... etc. Example:/in 5 /y Hello There: in 5sec it yells Hello. 43. ID: Adds spell, item, quest and achievement IDs to tooltips. ...
A new HUD overlaythat shows biomass count, bloom level (the swelling "heart"), Evolution Points contributed, whether you are hiding with an eye icon (and can toggle that state, the lock icon), and your current stored parasite, if you have one. ...
The general rule of thumb is to see what has gone before, but if your way is better, ensure you demonstrate that to the review team. * Adhere to conventions, read main documentation for developers. * Code should be as easy to read as possible. * Comments should help break down comp...