以下是使用 on 方法和 addListener 方法的示例代码,展示了它们之间的等效性:const EventEmitter = require('events');const myEmitter = new EventEmitter();// 使用 on 方法注册事件监听器myEmitter.on('myEvent', () => { console.log('Event listener with on method');});// 使用 addListener 方法注...
UnityEvent.AddListener public voidAddListener(Events.UnityActioncall); 参数 call回调函数。 描述 向UnityEvent 添加非持久性监听器。 使用此参数可添加运行时回调。添加多个相同侦听器只会进行一次调用。 //Attach this script to aGameObject//This script creates aUnityEventthat calls a method when a key is...
el = addlistener(hSource,PropertyName,EventName,callback) addlistener(___) Description el= addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback)creates a listener for the eventEventNamewhen triggered on the source object,hSource. IfhSourceis an array, the listener responds to the named event on any object ...
el = addlistener(hSource,PropertyName,EventName,callback) addlistener(___) Description el= addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback)creates a listener for the eventEventNamewhen triggered on the source object,hSource. IfhSourceis an array, the listener responds to the named event on any object ...
el = addlistener(hSource,PropertyName,EventName,callback) addlistener(___) Description el= addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback)creates a listener for the eventEventNamewhen triggered on the source object,hSource. IfhSourceis an array, the listener responds to the named event on any object ...
el = addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback) el = addlistener(hSource,PropertyName,EventName,callback) addlistener(___)Description el = addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback) creates a listener for the event EventName when triggered on the source object, hSource. If hSource is an array, the...
el = addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback) el = addlistener(hSource,PropertyName,EventName,callback) addlistener(___)Description el = addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback) creates a listener for the event EventName when triggered on the source object, hSource. If hSource is an array, the...
el = addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback) el = addlistener(hSource,PropertyName,EventName,callback) addlistener(___)Description el = addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback) creates a listener for the event EventName when triggered on the source object, hSource. If hSource is an array, the...
public class Example : MonoBehaviour { UnityEvent m_MyEvent = new UnityEvent(); void Start() { //Add a listener to the new Event. Calls MyAction method when invoked m_MyEvent.AddListener(MyAction); } void Update() { // Press Q to close the Listener if (Input.GetKeyDown("q") &...
el = addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback) el = addlistener(hSource,PropertyName,EventName,callback) addlistener(___) Description el= addlistener(hSource,EventName,callback)creates a listener for the eventEventNamewhen triggered on the source object,hSource. ...