Metal additive manufacturing (AM) encapsulates the myriad of manufacturing processes available to meet industrial needs. Determining which of these AM proc
Additive manufacturing requires a great deal of knowledge from feedstock to design, pre-process preparation, material, the AM process, as well as post-processing and inspection to ensure the quality of product. Researchers and engineers presenting at
To get the most out of additive manufacturing, companies need to think beyond prototyping and understand what the technology means for production. (PDF-167 KB) Additive manufacturing (AM)—the process of making a product layer by layer instead of using traditional molding or subtractiv...
Ghazanfari A, Li W, Leu MC, Hilmas GE (2016) A novel extrusion-based additive manufacturing process for ceramic parts. In: 2016 International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Solid Free Fabr Symp 1509–1529. G...
Additive Manufacturing (AM) • The process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies. –Synonyms: additive fabrication, additive processes, additive techniques, additive layer ...
binderjetting,n—anadditivemanufacturingprocessinwhich aliquidbondingagentisselectivelydepositedtojoin powdermaterials. directedenergydeposition,n—anadditivemanufacturing processinwhichfocusedthermalenergyisusedtofuse materialsbymeltingastheyarebeingdeposited.
Additive Manufacturing: Is It a New Era for Furniture Production?.pdf JournalofMechanicsEngineeringandAutomation5(2015)338·347 doi:10.17265/2l59.5275/2015.06.002 … Na AdditiveManufacturing:IsItaNew EraforFurniture Production? M uratAydin TheDepartmentofMaterialandMaterialProcessing,Su~urVocationalSchool,Su...
ADDITIVE-MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AND METHODS 下载积分: 3500 内容提示: EP 3 001 822B12510152025303540455055DescriptionFIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE[0001] The present disclosure generally relates to ad-ditive manufacturing and, more particularly, to process-ing surfaces of articles produced by additive manufac-...
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a generic term for a number of technologies that enable fabrication of physical objects directly from CAD data sources. In contrast to classical methods of manufacturing such as milling and forging which are based on subtractive and formative principles respectively, ...
advancedmanufacturing facilitywaselectricity, accesstosomeraw materials,anda computer? AdditiveManufacturing Whatif… …anentrepreneurcould startsellinganew productwithoutever needingtobuya machine,purchasea toolorproveoutamold; andcouldstartshipping productsthedayafter ...