复数:additives 同义词 adj. preservative,stabilizer,improver,chemical,colorant n. flavor,seasoning,extract,flavour,flavouring 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 additive 显示所有例句 n. 1. (尤指食品的)添加剂,添加物a substance that is added in small amounts to sth, especially food, in order to imp...
As a feedadditive, it can improve reproductive function and fecundity of the animals. 作为饲料添加剂, 可改善动物的生殖机能,提高繁殖力. 期刊摘选 China has banned its use as a pig feedadditive. 中国禁止使用氨哮素作为猪料添加剂. 期刊摘选 ...
考点解读 托福 雅思 剑雅词频:3 additive 常考释义 adj. 附加的 变形词 复数additives 复数addtives 单词详解 英汉双解 n. 添加剂;添加物 收起 简明例句 Some contain more than oneadditive. 有些含有不只一种添加剂。 情景例句 It's anadditivein plaster and it's even found in toothpaste. ...
additive 1 of 2 adjective ad·di·tiveˈa-də-tiv Synonyms ofadditive 1 :of, relating to, or characterized byaddition anadditiveprocess 2 :produced by addition 3 :characterized by, being, or producing effects (such as drug responses or gene products) that when the causative factor...
additive polarity 加极性 dispersing additive 分散添加剂 grease additive 润滑脂添加剂 oiliness additive 油性添加剂,润滑性添加剂 相似单词 additive n. (尤指食品的)添加剂,添加物 non additive 非求和的 organo additive 有机添加剂 最新单词 colostrorrhea的中文翻译及用法 初乳溢 colostration的中...
Additive definition: something that is added, as one substance to another, to alter or improve the general quality or to counteract undesirable properties. See examples of ADDITIVE used in a sentence.
“Additive”这个词在技术领域有多重含义,但最常见的可能是与“加性”或“添加性”相关的概念。以下是对这个词在不同技术背景下的解释: 一、加性合成(Additive Synthesis) 基础概念:加性合成是一种声音合成技术,它通过叠加多个正弦波来生成复杂的声音。 优势: 可以精确控制音色和音调。 能够创建非常纯净和自然的声...
Food additive can cause allergies. 食品添加剂可能引起过敏。 Glycyrrhizin is a kind of food additive which has a bright future. 甘草素是一种很有发展前途的食品添加剂。 用作形容词(adj.) We can use the additive property of the integral. ...
本周润滑术语:添加剂|Additive 为了改善某种特性而在产品中少量加入的化学品。 A chemical added in small quantities to a product to improve certain properties. 常见的石油产品添加剂包括: Among the more common petroleum product additives are: 以增加产品抗氧化性能及延长其使用寿命的抗氧化剂; ...