The recent season added new perks to the Controller and Recon class, bringing the total of Class Perks up to 9 and a common theme emerged amongst these perks. One perk is a selfish ability in which only benefits that player such as the Assault Ammo Bandolier, Controller Ring Overcharge and ...
In order to activate this feature, add the following settings in your hugo site configuration: [params.replaceContent]allowedHrefHosts= ['localhost','',''] [[params.replaceContent.placeholders]]placeholder="http://LOCALHOST"queryParam="h"defaultValue="http://localhost"href=true...
3 Sources Added to the LexisNexis® Services in 2010 Click a publication link below and move to the LexisNexis® Searchable Directory of Online Sources. In addition to a content description, you'll also get details on coverage, update frequency, publisher, locations at where the ...
When I create my creatures, I try to keep all of ARK's core assets in mind as well. I don't want to create any major imbalance with my content, but add an ‘addition’ to ARK that can be used alongside any other creature within the game. Expand I think that's a great way ...
Check the guide below to make IFTTT EntryImageURL work (source). First specify thexmlns:contentnamespace. <rssversion="2.0"xmlns:atom=""xmlns:content=""> Then addcontent:encodedtag to every feed item. See below how to...
{previousStatus} to {currentStatus}","statusAdded":"Status added: {status}","statusRemoved":"Status removed: {status}","labelExpand":"expand replies","labelCollapse":"collapse replies","unhelpfulReason.reason1":"Content is outdated","unhelpfulReason.reason2":"Article is ...
When I create my creatures, I try to keep all of ARK's core assets in mind as well. I don't want to create any major imbalance with my content, but add an ‘addition’ to ARK that can be used alongside any other creature within the game. Expand I think that's a great way ...