many travelers choose to add another driver to their car rental contracts. Before hitting the road, it’s wise to take a moment to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of rental car additional driver policies, laws, and fees.
Must book rental car by: 18 January 2024 Valid rental dates between: 29 November 2023 - 30 June 2024 Free Additional Driver* Offer: Free Additional Driver Terms and Conditions Available for bookings made between 29 Nov 2023 and 18 Jan 2024. ...
Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver Decline the rental company’s collision insurance and charge the entire rental cost to your card. Coverage is provided for theft and collision damage for most cars in the U.S. and abroad. In the U.S., coverage is secondary to your personal insurance. ...
為方便您所有的行程安排,長榮航空與Hertz合作,提供您最優質的租車及最無遠弗屆的服務。Hertz在約150個國家,並於約 8,800個地點設立服務中心。選擇您所滿意的車輛只要用滑鼠點選即可! Hertz也提供無限萬哩遊會員全球租車服務優惠,及在參加活動的指定地點每一次合格租車可獲得250-500哩優惠哩程。還沒有加入無限萬哩...
为方便您所有的行程安排,长荣航空与Hertz合作,提供您最优质的租车及最无远弗届的服务。Hertz在约150个国家,并于约 8,800个地点设立服务中心。选择您所满意的车辆只要用鼠标点选即可! Hertz也提供无限万哩游会员全球租车服务优惠,及在参加活动的指定地点每一次合格租车可获得250-500哩优惠哩程。还没有加入会员?请...
Please give her our best for making our tour a wonderful day and tell her we will be back for snorkeling with the turtles! The price for the private tour included so much - a private car just for us, all entrance fees, a cooler full of water,...
From 6 April to 4 May 2020, driver-partners who rent their cars from GrabRentals can enjoy an additional 50% commission reduction. This means thatGrabRentals driver-partners will pay 0% commissionfor the same period. GrabRentalsdriver-partners will also receive a 3...
Airside drop-off and pick-up are not permitted. Pre-paid transportation (car and driver) is the recommended local transport option, but taxis are also reliable, and rental car facilities can be found at all major airports in Ireland. For longer stays, rental cars may be more suitable...
The fee is relatively favorable, including DIY courses for one large and one small children. There are self-paid cars outside to play. The amusement facilities inside are free. It is a good place for children to relax, and there is also an ancient pinball machine. Show original (Translate...
A good place for education and entertainment. Children have a lot of fun. It is suitable for young children. There are also DIY courses to experience the fun of doing it yourself. It is a very good place. 2+ Often booked together ...