Change in Status. To avoid any potential conflict of interest, directors will not accept a seat on any additional company board without first reviewing the matter with the Nominating and Governance Committee. In addition, a non-employee director will tender his or her resignation f...
an ordinary resolution authorizing the Board, at any time between the date of the Meeting and the date of the Company’s subsequent annual general meeting, to appoint, at the Board's discretion and at its option, up to an additional three (3) directors to the Board without any furt...
“The circumstances around British Steel Pension Scheme transfers were exceptional, with former members receiving significantly higher levels of unsuitable advice compared with other cases,” said Sheldon Mills, executive director for consumers and competition at the FCA. “We want individuals who lost ou...
Patrick Highsmith, Certified Professional Geologist (AIPG CPG # 11702) and director of the Company, is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.Mr. Highsmithhas helped prepare, reviewed, and approved the technical information in this news release. AboutFireFox Gold Corp....
The speech given by Edwin Schooling Latter, Director of Markets and Wholesale Policy at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), on the 28 January 2019, suggests this might be the case. While Mr Latter re-affirmed that the key focus […] ...
FormMBP.1given by the Additional Director, towards disclosure of interest u/s 184, should be taken note of by the Board of Directors through a separate Board Resolution. This Board Resolution should be passed in thenext board meetingto complete the formalities for appointment of Additional Direct...
William Fung Kwok Lun resigned as a non-executive director of the Bank on 1 June 2006 due to personal reasons. At the 12th session of the 4th Board of Directors meeting and the 2005 general meeting, Ms. Laura M. Cha was appointed as non-executive director of the Bank. Her term will ...
For well over a century, gold stocks have been one of the most popular investment assets among speculators. An essential fact sometimes ignored is that gold equities often drastically… Read More This site is proudly a part of Maximus Strategic Consulting Inc....
The Director-General notes that the proposed additional text merely reproduces the recommendations of the Executive Board [...] 总干事提到,拟议增加的文本只是 重复 了执行委员会有关工作重点 4 的标题的建议 (35 C/6),因此,他对通过拟议的修正没有异议。 ...
Cite Award of Additional Sick Leave.Subject to applicable lawand TRSrules and regulations, uponan employee'ssubmission ofanirrevocable letter of resignationtothe Directorprior to the commencement ofthe finalfouryears of employmentor thefinal year of employment, theBoard shallaward such employeeadditional...