The Addis count, or number of cells excreted in the urine in a fixed time, has been assumed to give the best estimate in quantitative determinations. The method is based on the assumption that an inverse relationship exists between the number of cells per unit volume and the diuresis. Some ...
(branded) were analysis for physicochemical property (pH, moisture, ash, fat, Total Solid (TS) and Solid Not Fat (SNF)) and microbial quality (Coliform Count (CC) and Yeast and Mould Count (YMC) were performed using TEMPO system whereas; Total Viable Count (TVC) was performed according ...
(CD4<200 cell count at enrollment), poor nutritional status, and lower body mass index (BMI), and bedridden conditions.10–12 In response to the burden of these two intertwined infectious diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been promoting integrated TB and HIV interventions ...
Sample size and sampling procedure The sample size was determined using a double population proportion formula by considering birth weight, gestational age, resuscitation, and being married as all these factors predict survival in preterm newborns [11]. Among those predictors, birth weight was found ...
The mean ± SD reference values for red blood cells count with 95% CI was 4.5±0.5(4.4–4.5) 1012/L, for hemoglobin 14±7.2(13.3–14.7) gm/dl, and for hematocrite was 39.5± 4(39–39.9). These values were lower than the one from developed countries but not lower than the one ...
Competence gaps in AMSTL appear to be commonplace in many resource poor settings, despite the availability of essential supplies of the procedure. Studies from eight countries, including Ethiopia have reported that AMTSL use is ranging from 0.5% to 32% [6, 18]. Neonatal asphyxia occurs when ...
(n=348) Count (%) Place of residence Urban Rural 223 (96.1) 9 (3.9) Region Addis Ababa Oromia Amhara Others 162 (69.8) 45(19.4) 20 (8.6) 5 (2.2) Educational status No formal education Primary Secondary College and above 39 (16.8) 76 (32.8) 33 (14.2) 84 (36.2) Marital status ...
to achieve a parallel change in teachers' attitudes and beliefs. The individual users' (teachers in this case) subjective perceptions of newness, which is the most influential agent that determines whether an approach to organizing language instruction count as innovation, is not taken into account....
Considering CD4 count, last CD4 count of index partner ≤200 cells/µL had 3.1 times more risk for seroconversion in seronegative partner than last CD4 level of >350 cells/ µL (AHR=3.121, 95%CI: 1.204–8.091). The risk of HIV seroconversion among seronegative male partners was four ...
Considering CD4 count, last CD4 count of index partner ≤200 cells/µL had 3.1 times more risk for seroconversion in seronegative partner than last CD4 level of >350 cells/ µL (AHR=3.121, 95%CI: 1.204–8.091). The risk of HIV seroconversion among seronegative male partners was four ...