To subtract vectors graphically, subtract the corresponding components. For example, the two components of the resultant vector: V_x=V_1x-V_2x and V_y=V_1y-V_2y Also, on the graph, if the subtracted vectors are consecutive, then the resultant has its tail at the first vector's tail...
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The folds F 1 and F 2 mark the transition of the orbit segment between the two saddle-unstable sheets S 1 r and S 2 r ; the direction of flow on S is indicated by the arrows where hotter colours correspond to vectors with larger magnitudes. The attracting fold F 1 is dark green, ...
Since vertex positions get transformed by the model-view matrix to bring them into eye space, it follows that normal vectors get transformed the same way, right? Wrong! Actually, wrong sometimes. This is one of the trickier concepts in graphics to understand, so bear with me. Look at the ...
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