What were you trying to do? I need to add multiple digital signatures to a PDF using the PDFLib and pdfLibPlaceholder library in a multipart signature approach, where signatures can be added either simultaneously or in different iterations. However, I'm encountering an issue where, after addin...
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ReactiveTarget : MonoBehaviour { public void ReactToHit() { #1 StartCoroutine(Die()); } private IEnumerator Die() { #2 this.transform.Rotate(-75, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f); Destroy...
PSC s have undergone a number of experiments to improve their light-harvesting abilities, and certain light-emitting layers created for dye solar cells have also been employed. In conclusion, light scattering by lengthening the light path of incoming light and light matrix paired via surface ...
In addition, to flatten the COVID-19 curve, staying indoors, avoiding unnecessary social contact, and bolstering the immune defense system by maintaining a healthy diet/living are highly desirable. Keywords: COVID-19; ACE-2; SARS-CoV-2; α7-nAChR; smoking; vaping; e-cigarettes; hooka and...
Based on the X-ray phase analysis results provided, when the Nb2O5 dopant concen- tsrtarButaicostnuesdrarlaoonnrgdetehdreifnrXogm-orfa0yt.h0ep5 shtaoams0e.p1l0aensm,aeolxyl,pstrihseesrspeersdiumalstasraypcshrtoarnuvgcidteueirnda,lthawelthecerryantsitotahnllesinpNiteybrt2daOieng5erddeeotp...