Adding a User to FreeBSD -- Part TwoDru Lavigne
There is a very restrictive functionality to only reply to already approved users. You can enable it in the config fileconfig.yaml. Then you need to add the users toallowlist.txt. You can add theusernameoridof the user. Every added user should be on a new line to prevent errors. ...
pfSense, at its heart, still stems from the m0n0wall project. While they have diverged over time, the world has changed. These days getting new NIC support, QuickAssist support, and even the WireGuard support mentioned above in FreeBSD require additional work by the Netgate team. At some poin...
- FreeBSD - Mint ### Code Style for Platform-Specific Roles If you have a role that only installs software made for Windows 10 then ensure that the tasks are only run when the system is a Windows system by using `when:` in the `tasks/main.yml` file. Take the following `main.yml...
xinetd::service{'ssh-tunnel-host_example_com':port=>'2222',redirect=>' 22',flags=>'REUSE',service_type=>'UNLISTED',bind=>"${::ipaddress_eth1}",only_from=>'',} Supported OSes Supports Debian, FreeBSD, Suse, RedHat, and Amazon Linux OS Families....
xinetd::service{'ssh-tunnel-host_example_com':port=>'2222',redirect=>' 22',flags=>'REUSE',service_type=>'UNLISTED',bind=>"${::ipaddress_eth1}",only_from=>'',} Supported OSes Supports Debian, FreeBSD, Suse, RedHat, and Amazon Linux OS Families....
On the other hand, in order to access real file system at run time (pick up a user's external javascript plugin, json configuration or even get a list of user's directory) you should take process.cwd() or path.dirname(process.execPath)....
- FreeBSD - Mint ### Code Style for Platform-Specific Roles If you have a role that only installs software made for Windows 10 then ensure that the tasks are only run when the system is a Windows system by using `when:` in the `tasks/main.yml` file. Take the following `main.yml...