Check the manual of the PC or the motherboard to see what hard drive ports it supports. If you don’t have the manual but know the specific model of the PC or motherboard (you cancheck the PC modeland themotherboard model), you can search for the product page of the model online t...
Some are small and easily tossed into a good laptop bag. If you know what your current and likely device mixes are, that could help you narrow down which hubs or docks would be most suitable for you. View in context Similar questions New MacBook Air with thunderbolt/usb4 ports I have...
jaufranc@cnx-laptop-4:~$bt-b1500000 Noportspecified,usingttyUSB0(lastregistered).Use-ltolistports. TryingportttyUSB0...ConnectedtottyUSB0at1500000bps. Escapecharacteris'Ctrl-]'.Useescapefollowedby'?'forhelp. DDRVersionV1.0820220617 LPDDR4X,2112MHz ...
⚠️Note:If there is only one drive bay or it's a laptop, you need a connector, depending on its interface, such as PATA, SATA, M.2, NVMe, etc. Select a method: Reinstall Windows vs. Clone After installing old hard drive, you need to decide how to install Windows on your new...
This com port will not be used with the Digi, but used only to load the Serial.sys. If the com port successfully loads, the RealPort driver should finish loading correctly and the com ports should appear in Device Manger under Ports, with no error message. Last updated: Jan 10, 2024 ...
I am experiencing an issue with the COM ports on my HP laptop. The ports do not show up in Device Manager initially, so I attempted to manually add the COM ports by using the "Add Legacy Hardware" option. However, after adding the ports, I encountered ...
LPT, COM Ports not working LTSC 2019 SYSPRP Failed to remove apps for the current user: 0x80073cf2 Microsoft.Windows.SecondaryTileExperience Make lock screen transparent Making a contact group in Mail for Windows 10 Malicious Software Removal Tool January 2016 release fails to run on Windows 10 ...
Firewall ports to join domain first logn after sysprep giving me access denied Fix error 80092004 (KB4498691) (05/2019) Fix for WinRM working *remotely* but not working *locally* Fix required for SSL/TLS Vulnerabilities - Windows Server 2012 R2 Fix Software Printer redirection error Event 11...
It has two HDMI ports and five USB ports (3.1, 2.0) and the output is USB C. The online manual for that one has a section whose title is "Extended Desktop (NOT supported by APPLE). I do not see any mention of having to install a special driver on your computer, so I am ...
There are cases for MacBooks. And there are USB-C hubs. And external hard drives, too. Case X is all three of these. It clips to the top of the laptop,