A new method for adding two parameters to a family of distributions with application to the normal and exponential families. Stat. Meth. Applic. 24: 359-372. DOI: 10.1007/s10260-014-0265-8Marshall, A. N. and Olkin, I. (1997). A new method for adding a parameter to a family of ...
During the normal startup sequence, the server loads functions registered in the mysql.func table. If the server is started with the --skip-grant-tables option, functions registered in the table are not loaded and are unavailable. Loadable Function Security Precautions MySQL takes several measures...
{\eta}_p^2\) = 0.79). While accuracy was significantly higher in the reading task, relative to the other two tasks (all ps < 0.002 after Bonferroni correction, n.s. between adding and color), response times were shortest in the adding, intermediate in the reading task, and ...
This was done separately for each of the two study periods. Since the distributions of these variables were similar across these two groups (see the “Results” section), they were combined into a single RF group. The RF group was then compared to the group of patients without RF or high...
we investigated the effect of adding Li salt in humid hydrophobic ILs on the ion and water distributions near electrodes, using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The simulation system consists of a slab of humid ILs confined between two graphite electrodes (Supplementary Fig.1). Two types of ...
Moreover, the error term follows the normal statistic distribution, i.e., ɛ ∼ N (0, σ2I) (I is the identity matrix) and the ɛ' is the transformed error term. To incorporate the study of spatial autocorrelation, equation (1) is first log-transformed as follows, where “0” ...
Namely, because mice were trained to consume their normal daily ration of food in a 2-h interval, a relatively large bolus of food entered the system. Also, we specifically focused attention on liver amino acids because we were interested in studying albumin synthesis. Because amino acids are ...
There are two Python inotify binding libraries. One of them is called pyinotify, and is packaged by some Linux distributions as python-inotify. This is not the one you'll need, as it is too buggy and inefficient to be practical. No comments To get going, it's best to already have a ...
There is limited evidence regarding the effects of aquatic-based physiotherapy on shoulder proprioception following post-traumatic injury to the joint. The main aim of this study was to investigate the effects of additional aquatic-based rehabilitation t
Two molecular markers (the mitochondrial COI gene and nuclear 28S rRNA gene—newly analysed marker for the complex) and geometric morphometry of the wing shape, together with morphological data and distribution, successfully separated all species from the complex. The morphological variability of the ...