Click StripWidth to specify the width of the strip line, measured in inches on the report. If you are highlighting dates or times, click StripWidthType and select a time interval. Type a value or expression for the Interval to specify how often the strip line will repeat. For example, if...
You can setDefault Valueto empty for the parameters. By working with theIFfunction or<parameter>in this case, you can select all values when the parameters are empty. SQL datasets allow you to add and pass parameters. You can set a dynamic time (like yesterday/last month) when setting the...
Click StripWidth to specify the width of the strip line, measured in inches on the report. If you are highlighting dates or times, click StripWidthType and select a time interval. Type a value or expression for the Interval to specify how often the strip line will repeat. For example, if...
After adding this event handler code, take a minute to test out the page in a browser. First, note that only one radio button in the grid can be selected at a time. However, when selecting a radio button and clicking one of the buttons, a postback occurs ...
In any case, I don't think it makes sense for us to start porting the ADO.NET API surface into EF just so that users can get EF's logging features; this is the first time we've received a request for this, and I do believe users should have the expectation for EF to handle all...
This is the first set of columns I am doing this for. I have other columns with pull down menus that have more options and I need it to record the date and time each time a new option is selected. Thanks. Jon_Big You now have two Worksheet_Change event pr...
Application.EnableEvents=TrueApplication.ScreenUpdating=TrueEndIfEndSub Please note that I changed Offset(1, 0) to Offset(0, 1) to make the code add the date/time in the cell to the right.
StayInSync Property Resync Command Property-Dynamic (ADO) CursorOptionEnum ConnectionString, ConnectionTimeout Example (VB) CommandText Property (ADO) GetString Method Example (VC++) Description Property CommandTypeEnum ADO Object Model BeginTrans, CommitTrans, and RollbackTrans (VC++) Stream Property ...
When using a logging backend that understands structured logs, such as Application Insights, search instances of the example log items where “operation” is equal to “GetTimeForSqlAsync”: Tracing Tracing collects required information to enable the observation of a transaction as it “walks” thro...
In my case, I updated my Schema.prisma with new models but anytime I run "prisma migrate dev", it wouldn't update. It turns out the error was because I didn't hit "Save" after making the changes before running the code. (In my defence, I thought auto-save took care of that but...