There are a couple of ways to add a spouse to your credit card. Learn the difference between adding them as an authorized user or getting a joint credit card.
If you need to send a payment right away, try adding the debit card associated with your bank account instead. My spouse/partner added our joint bank account to Venmo, can I add the same bank account? Learn more about adding a joint bank account....
Accounts must meet certain criteria to be available for reauthorization. You must be the owner of the account. View-only users will not show up. Example: Your spouse has an account which was granted access to view. You will see this account on the Charles Schwab website, but you will ...
Inthis brief article, it talks about breaking down big tasks in point #5. A messy room can be really overwhelming to a child when he doesn’t know where to start. This could be the reason why a child will have meltdowns when asked to do something. Rather than, “Clean up your room...
<field name="bank_account_id" context="{'default_partner_id': address_home_id}"/> <field name="km_home_work" groups="hr.group_hr_user"/> </group> <group string="Citizenship"> <field name="country_id" options="{"no_open": True, "no_create": True}"/> ...