As you can see there are 4 parameters (Treatment):NC,NF,TC, andTF. X axis shows the species number and Y shows the weight of crops. I want to draw a regression line of each with relation to species number? I triedablinebut no luck. Thanks My code ggplot(wheatX,aes(x=No.of.speci...
The 'ggtrendline' package is developed for adding trendline and confidence interval of linear or nonlinear regression model, and showing equation, R square, and P value to 'ggplot' as simple as possible.For a general overview of the methods used in this package, see Ritz and Streibig (2008...
ggplot(dat,aes(x=Time,y=Abundance,color=Treatment))+ geom_point()+geom_line(aes(y=Pred)) Gives this plot: Second Example: Continuous Predictor We can also model the effect of continuous predictors on the parameters of the non-linear regression. For instance, we might assume that bacterial...