I've been working on this project for work and since the program was slowing down due to RAM bottleneck I added more ram to the PC from 16gb to 24gb, using two pairs of different brands of RAM sticks. Need help fixing this issue. Thanks. Days of work now lost and doing it over...
Hello everyone, first post here! Just built my first computer like 3 months ago, and now I'm adding 2 new Ram sticks. Mobo - x570 E-gaming CPU - Ryzen 5...
I recently bought a new PC, a shop build with 16 GB RAM (2x8GB). In addition to adding Nvme sticks, I added 32 GB (2x16) of the cheapest G.Skill variety i could find, and I have no freezing issues. For optimal speed and stability, as I understand it, it would be better to u...
I agree with Paparazi, you should look into more RAM as well. If you can go up to 768MB (3 sticks of256 a piece) I'm pretty sure it should be able to take that much. As far as the HD's go, I also agree with him. 40 to 160GB should be about as much as a MB that ol...