Analysis: Cost of adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare was the hot topic on Capitol Hill todayMICHELE NORRIS, MELISSA BLOCK
Encouraging routine COVID-19 vaccinations is likely to be a crucial policy challenge for decades to come. To avert hundreds of thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths, adoption will need to be higher than it was in the autumn of 2022 or 2023
prescription drugs reaches a given threshold; and a more modest patching of existing gaps, providing coverage to those who are not eligible to any form of insurance. Beyond the relative consensus around the ideas that gaps in coverage should be filled to make drugs affordable to all, and that...
Experts have noted that ObamaCare’s financial assistance might decline too sharply as income rises, leaving it hard for some middle class people to afford premiums. Obama proposes to increase financial assistance “to help middle-class families who have coverage but still struggle with premiums.” ...
3“Prioritizing health: A prescription for prosperity,” McKinsey, July 8, 2020. It requires dramatically more innovation and leadership from institutions outside of the traditional healthcare industry. It requires fully empowering individuals to steward their own health. Every institution, every leader...
Prescription FeesMedicareInsurance, Pharmaceutical ServicesSocietiesPoliticsUnited StatesBackground: Assessment of growth is important in health management of infants and children. Evaluation of growth performance requires anthropometric measurements, with proper interpretation depending on the use of appropriate ...
Drugs, debates, deals, and deficits. (FYI).(discussion of debate about adding prescription drug benefit to Medicare)Scoot, Jeanne Schulte
Reports on the endorsement of hospital groups for a Medicare prescription drug bill introduced by U.S. Republican lawmakers. Features of the prescription drug bill; Concerns expressed by hospital lobbyists about the bill; Amount of money to be received by managed-care-insurers participating in the...