Categories: Development Notes; Tagged with: Excel; @ September 5th, 2012 17:33 1. preparing the data source: just input your values in file;2. Edit the validation of the target cell(s): Data/Validation:3. Click ‘OK’, now, you can see the list when you click the cell. if needed...
I have a requirement in which I need to browse to an excel file(select the file), read data from file and add the data to a dropdown list. This functionality I need to achieve through JQuery (from client side only), my website is made of ASP.NET MVC. Is this possible to achiev...
adding a drop down calender in excel Hi, I'm a beginner with excel. I'm trying to figure out how to make a calender pop up when clickingon a drop down menu. I have office 16. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! All Discussions ...
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; // Assuming wsN is a reference to your worksheet Excel.Range range = wsN.Range["D2"]; // Construct the formula dynamically string formula2 = "=INDIRECT(\"'\" & C2 & \"'\""; // Add data validation to the range range.Validation.Add( E...
Add-Computer unable to join domain. ADD-computer with -newname and joinwithnewname option add-computer with spaces in OUPath Add-content : The network name cannot be found. Add-Content PermissionDenied but works Add-MailboxFolderPermission error when the trying to grant permissions to mail-enab...
SAS Global Forum 2011 Programming: Beyond the Basics Paper 248-2011 ExcelXP on Steroids: Adding Custom Options To The ExcelXP Tagset Mike Molter, D-Wise Technologies, Raleigh, NC ABSTRACT The multitude of options available with ODS's ExcelXP tagset has allowed users access to dozens of Excel ...
So I need to be able to create a flow that would send a mass communication from Excel File.So far I have been using commend "List rows present in tables": This works just fine as sometimes I need to send emails to +100 recipients, and thanks to this solution I imply n...
I'm creating an inventory management tool with Excel VBA. I've created code that gathers a list of names from a drop down box on Internet Explorer and puts them into an array. What I need to do is something similar to vba create several textboxes comboboxes dynamically...
If you select an Excel file (.xlsx), the Excel Reference Options dialog box appears. If you select a .csv file, the data is imported into your LayOut document as a table entity. From the Sheet drop-down list, make sure the sheet you want to display is selected. (Optional) By ...
From the connection drop-down list, select the Oracle Applications connection that you want to use. Description of the illustration GUID-5B295969-5C1C-427B-95C4-F6C8DB8892E5-default.gif Perform one of these actions: On theAnalysistab, browse catalog folders to search for and select the anal...