Now there are some shows that I want this to happen on like shows with the same name, ex I have Top Boy (original series) and Top Boy from netflix 2019 in which the 2019 one is Top Boy (TMDB xx), this is fine. But the other shows I dont want this to happen and im not compl...
Kodi 附加组件的最佳功能之一是其界面非常易于使用。导航和搜索内容就像更改有线电视频道一样简单。这使得亚马逊消防电视与 Kodi 及其附加组件结合,成为有线和卫星订阅的可靠且经济实惠的替代方案。 4]可负担性 由于Kodi 及其附加组件大多免费,因此它成为 Netflix 和 Amazon Prime 等传统点播流媒体服务的高价值替代品。