In the constantly evolving fashion industry,qipao is catching up with the times.Zippers,digital print patterns and new materials such as lace and denim have been introduced to a new generation.More daring ideas like 3 D printed qipao have also become a reality.Yu believed ...
aHe must get to Szeged by train 开始 [translate] aA fixed set of 12180 patches sampled randomly from 1218 person-free training photos provided the initial negative set. 从1218张无人训练相片任意地抽样的固定的套12180个补丁提供了最初的阴性集合。 [translate] aantique lace 古色古香的鞋带 [...
That’s right. rockIT Fashion is taking a whole new spin on being a modern, unique fashion blog. We are going back to the roots of the blog, updating readers on fashion trends happening in the world of good ‘ole rock ‘n roll. We said goodbye to Temperature Tuesdays over a year ago...
"After a period of wearing foreign brands all the time,there will be a day when one looks back to traditional Chinese culture.It is about finding the stuff that exists in your genes and suits you best." Yu set up her own qipao brand in 2016.Most of the clothes w...
根据最后一段In the constantly evolving fashion industry,qipao is catching up with the times.Zippers,digital print patterns and new materials such as lace and denim have been introduced to a new generation.More daring ideas like 3 D printed qipao have also become a reality.Y...