The underlined word is formed by adding the suffix “-ing” to the base word “excite”. What does the word “exciting” mean? A. boring B. relaxing C. thrilling D. difficult 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C。“exciting”是在“excite”的基础上加上后缀“-ing”构成的,意思是“令人兴奋...
A. rebuilding B. rebuilded C. rebuildding D. rebuiling 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。动词“rebuild”在加“-ing”形式时,直接在词尾加“ing”,即“rebuilding”。选项 B 形式错误;选项 C 和选项 D 的拼写均不正确。反馈 收藏
yandthenadd-ing: Die-dying,tie-tying,vie-vying,lie-lying (3)to-ee,Oe,Yeverbsendingwith-ingshouldbepreserved whenthefinale: See-seeing,flee-fleeing,free-freeing,agree-agreeing, hoe-hoeing,dye-dyeing,eye-eyeing (4)the-ueattheendofthemostverbsshouldfirstgotothe ...
The Y rule: When a root ends in y, change the y to i when adding a suffix (easy + est = easiest; happy + ness = happiness). Exceptions: Keep the y ifa vowel comes beforeit (play + er = player; joy...·sult·ed,in·sult·ing,in·sults 1. a.To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness. See Synonyms atoffend. b.To affront or demean:an absurd speech that insulted the intelligence of the audience. ...
A lot of adjectives are formed by adding a suffix to a verb or a noun.Complete the sentences below with adjectives. Use the words in capitals and the correct suffix (-y, -ful, -able,-al, -ous, -ive, -ed or -ing).a Your hands are very _ ! Go and wash them.DIRT福The film ...
However, when we conjugate the verbcenterwith “-ed” (centered) and “-ing” (centering), we donotomitEin American English. Keeping silent E with consonant suffixes When a word ending in a silentEis attached to aconsonant suffix, we nearly alwayskeeptheEin the word. While other vowels are...
If the "y" is preceded by a consonant, then the "y" must be changed to an "i" when adding a suffix, unless it is the suffix "ing," in which case the "y" should remain unchanged. If the "y" is preceded by a vowel, then the "y" does not need to be changed to an "i" ...
amples.thentrytolistmorewords.wordwithprefixwordwithsuffix re+tell(retell) invent+tion(invention)re+write() work+er()dis+cover( ) ill +ness()dis+like() develop+ment()in+direct( ) care+ful()im+polite() home+less()im+possible() excite+ing()un+healthy() suit+able()un+fair() snoe+...
(don't recall this step mattering but am herein including) 5. To view these files hereafter, you 1) open finder 2)click on the application icon (i.e. Adobe SpeedGrade CC 2015) to highlight it then 3) press down option key at the same time as clicking the "perform tasks key" (...