Underlining text in a PDF document doesn’t have to be complicated. With Smallpdf’s tools, it’s as easy as uploading your file, making a few edits, and saving the final product. Why not give it a try on your next project? You’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!David...
I've created a (paid-for) tool that allows you to convert the bookmarks of a PDF file into a TOC, with clickable links that take you to the location each bookmark points to. You can find it here: https://www.try67.com/tool/acrobat-create-a-table-of-conte...
Removing a watermark from a PDF document can be useful in cases where the watermark is no longer needed or when the PDF file needs to be shared without the watermark. Follow these steps to remove a watermark from a PDF file using the Syncfusion PDF Library: Use thePdfLoadedDocumentclass to ...
Add 3D models to a PDF page (Acrobat Pro)You can use the 3D tool to place a 3D file (in U3D 3rd Edition or PRC format) on a PDF page. Acrobat Pro can create 3D PDFs but only from U3D ECMA 1 files.After you place a 3D file, you can adjust the area or canvas in which the...
While referring the pdfium.js script file downloaded from WASM pdfium-wasm.tgz to the .Net Blazor WASM sample, it throws an exception. I have attached the sample and error screenshot for you to look over. Below screenshot marked two file...
Open the PDF file in Acrobat. Select the 3D model with the Hand tool to enable it. Right-click on the 3D model, and then select Run A JavaScript. Find the JavaScript file you want to add, and then select Open. More like this
thread223-1194867 has some suggestions on how to add or insert an image to an existing pdf file. Every time I forget how to do this and search again this thread comes up top, but without the easiest answer in Acrobat. The easy way to insert an image into a pdf in Acrobat (the Pro...
I need to add multiple digital signatures to a PDF using the PDFLib and pdfLibPlaceholder library in a multipart signature approach, where signatures can be added either simultaneously or in different iterations. However, I'm encountering an issue where, after adding the first signature, subsequent...
This tutorial shows how to add automatically bookmarks to a PDF file using novaPDF, even if in the original document there are no bookmarks. This way the
Why is a PDF file debugger useful? PDF files are complex and can go wrong in lots of ways. We have been writing JPedal since 2001 and still have to tweak our parser sometimes to handle files which often have very ‘liberal’ interpretations of the PDF File format specification. ...