I've been using the Django admin to upload images to my site one-by-one for a few weeks now and I've finally decided I've had enough of it and started looking for a Javascript library that will enable me to do bulk uploads. I still have around 100 or so albums and at...
Seeci.ymlfor which Python and Django versions this supports. You can try the demo admin against several versions of Django with these Docker images:https://hub.docker.com/r/crccheck/django-object-actions/tags This runs the example Django project in./example_projectbased on the "polls" tutoria...
Bring Your Own Images Application Update Lockdown Configuring asset pipeline compilation Managing custom packages Migrating your application between servers Maintenance Mode Automating tasks using Zapier Configuring Pod updates Zero-downtime deployments
//docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/topics/i18n/ + +LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' + +TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' + +USE_I18N = True + +USE_L10N = True + +USE_TZ = True + + +# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) +# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/howto/static-files/ + ...
but I haven't tested it yet. [![image](/public/images/form-attributes.png)](audrey.feldroy.com) # See you at BarCamp Django SF! On October 4th and 5th I'll be at [BarCamp Django SF](/barcamp-django-sf.html) if you want to talk about Django, Python, or have me teach you how...
How to Handle a Null Httppostedfilebase in jQuery Ajax ASP.NET MVC: The Process of Adding an Image Web API integration using JavaScript, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, and AJAX Ajax Introduction Uploading Images to a PHP Database Using HTML MVC Passing FormCollection Object with $.ajax(...)...
Docker & Kubernetes 4 : Django with RDS via AWS Kops Docker & Kubernetes : Kops on AWS Docker & Kubernetes : Ingress controller on AWS with Kops Docker & Kubernetes : HashiCorp's Vault and Consul on minikube Docker & Kubernetes : HashiCorp's Vault and Consul - Auto-unseal using Tran...
本博客的框架是django+grappeli+filebrowser,后台的在线编辑器是使用的tinymce,图片等资源的管理采用了django-filebrowser,这样就可以使用tinymce的nsert image插件插入图片,由于插入的仅仅是图片可能是处理过的,现在需要对博客中的所有图片添加ightbox功能,使可以查看原图。
Let's a swap file within our filesystem. We will create a file calledswapfilein our root (/) directory. First, we must allocate the amount of space that we want for our swap file usingfallocatecommand which creates a file of a preallocated size (2G): ...
i have react webapp hosted on azure Linux app. i did created this web.config file in wwwroot and added above script but still its not worked and headers are not updates on securityheaders.io. Is there anything than creating file is required to do ? app service need to be restarted etc ...