Whenever I try to add my gmail account to my outlook on my laptop, I am presented with a "your browser is no longer supported" error from the Google authentication window within outlook. I can't do a... In Outlook 2019 and earlier one time purchase versions, the browser e...
Microsoft.Data.SQLClient is not supported .NET Core supporting distributed transactions .NET Regular Expression for Comma separated list of numbers with 8 digit length 'Access to the path 'F:\System Volume Information' is denied.'? 'Color' Assembly reference error 'object' does not contain a ...
Some widgets can be resized after you've added them to your Home screen. Press and hold a widget on the Home screen, and then release your finger.If a border appears, that means the widget is resizable. Drag the sides of the border to enlarge or shrink the widget size. ...
"version":"1.0.2","manifestVersion":"1.15","id":"<HIDDEN>","packageName":"com.package.name","name":{"short":"[Chatbot] IBM Watson","full":""},"developer":{"name":"ChatbotTeam","mpnId":"","websiteUrl":"https://www.google.com","privacyUrl":"https://www...
Is there a way to show the weather on the lock screen even when GPS is off? Can I do the same things in Google Photos that I used to do in HTC Gallery? I keep getting prompted to grant permissions when using apps. Why is that? Why can't I use multi-finger gesture...
"Open Microsoft Edge with" is grayed greyed out, cannot change "Sync your settings" options are unavailable - linked account issue? "The Downloaded Maps Manager service hung on starting." "USER" folder - can I delete stuff? "Windows Login Reminder" asking clients to lock and unlock to updat...
In my January column, I asked if anyone knew the origins of Ctrl+Alt+Del. Apparently several readers know how to use Google, because they sent me links to the sameUSA Todayarticle I discovered before posing my challenge (seeThank this guy for 'control-alt-delete'). Ctrl+Alt+De...
In this section, we add a button to the toolbar that lets the user add comments (viz. create a new comment thread) for the selected text range. When the user selects a text range and clicks on this button, we need to do the below: ...
To import glossaries, you must have Storyline 360 build3.30.19518.0or later (July 23, 2019 or later). Step 1: Create the CSV File First, create the file that you’ll import. Create a spreadsheet in your favorite app, such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Googl...
Site Specific Browsers aren't a really new idea. In 2005 there was an app called Bubbles I ran for a while that would let you run a website with minimal "browser chrome." Mozilla Prism (né WebRunner) is a Firefox add-in that does a similar thing. Google Chrome includes the idea o...