I'm using the latest Eclipse IDE (4.14.0) and ESP-IDF (4.0.0) downloads - native ESP-IDF works fine programming the DOIT boards I'm using... I'd like to import some Arduino IDE projects as I hate that IDE! So, I've installed the "Eclipse C++ IDE for Arduino 3.0", but it ...
I use ESP-IDF for my projects, and cannot tolerate using Arduino. Mainly because they give no access to menuconfig. On the flip side Arduino does have allot of libs out there, and why re-invent the wheel if I can just somehow pull them into my ESP-IDF project. I have tried a ...
I'm using the IDF version of this, which has a slightly different esp32.c file vs the esp32.cpp file included with the arduino version, but the underlying operation that causes the error is the same. I traced it down to this: Arduino esp32.cpp in function ESP32DirectWrite lines 106-1...
Arduino core for the ESP32. Contribute to espressif/arduino-esp32 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Part 1: The Esp8266 and setting up the Arduino IDE Part 2: Control an LED from a web page using Access Point Mode (AP) Part 3: Control an LED from a web page using Access Station Mode (ST) Part 4: mDNS What is WifiManager?
I'm using the latest Eclipse IDE (4.14.0) and ESP-IDF (4.0.0) downloads - native ESP-IDF works fine programming the DOIT boards I'm using... I'd like to import some Arduino IDE projects as I hate that IDE! So, I've installed the "Eclipse C++ IDE for Arduino 3.0", but it ...
An Arduino library that generates MQTT topics and messages for Home Assistant MQTT Discovery. This library is to simplify adding DIY hardware to Home Assistant by MQTT Discovery. Its OO feature makes it can handle complex cases like multiple entities of different types in one device. ...
AsyncTCP v1.1.1+for ESP32. Installation I) For Arduino IDE: Be certain you have installed the most up to date version of Arduino IDE. Be certain you have installed the most up-to-date Blynk library. Using Arduino IDE, eitheruse the zip file ...
Serial.print("Connected to "); Serial.println(ssid); Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); if (MDNS.begin("esp32")) { Serial.println("MDNS responder started"); } server.on("/", []() { server.send(200, "text/plain", "hello from esp32!"); }); serv...
Serial.print(F("Ready to receive IR signals of protocols: ")); printActiveIRProtocols(&Serial); Serial.print(F("at pin ")); #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32) || defined(ESP8266) Serial.println(IR_RECEIVE_PIN_STRING); #else Serial.println(IR_RECEIVE_PIN); #endif // infos for receive...