If set to No, no replication discovery is attempted. MySQL Identity Source Choose the mechanism used to generate a unique identity for the MySQL instance if one does not already exist. Default: uses either the server_uuid variable if present, or generates a random new UUID Host Plus Da...
Before today, the Nook HD and HD+ offered a similar experience toAmazon'sKindle Fire HD, with a highly modified version of Android and its own fairly limited app store and media libraries. While its books, magazine and newspaper catalogues are some of the best in th...
JA: It is fair to say, though, that you are currently at war with Roku and Amazon. In many ways, it’s a reverse carriage dispute, where these aggregators now have a lot of power because people are using them to watch the streaming services. That’s why Disney made an 11t...
so if there's good games, I'll go to them. New tech is always exciting. And actually, I also really enjoy and this is really nerdy, but I like getting new consoles because I like seeing the UIs and new operating systems and just seeing what they do. There's a discovery process eve...
dp-discovery-na-ext.amazon.com drfdisvc.walmart.com ds-aksb-a.akamaihd.net dsms0mj1bbhn4.cloudfront.net dsp.adfarm1.adition.com dsum-sec.casalemedia.com dt.adsafeprotected.com dt.scanscout.com dts.innovid.com dx.steelhousemedia.com dyv1bugovvq1g.cloudfront.net e.crashlytics.com e.dlx...
get AmazonElastiCache:cluster nota Não altere a chave “:clusterAmazonElastiCache”, pois é aqui que residem as informações de configuração do cluster. Se você sobrescrever essa chave, o cliente poderá ser configurado incorretamente por um breve período de tempo (não mais...
Jira Product Discovery NOVO Capture e priorize ideias Compass NOVO Otimize a integridade do software Guard NOVO Segurança aprimorada na nuvem Loom NOVO Atualizações de vídeo rápidas e assíncronas Desenvolvedores Jira Gestão de projetos flexível Bitbucket Repositórios de código ...
Wenn die Cache-Engine-Version älter als 1.4.14 ist, verwenden Sie den Befehl get AmazonElastiCache:cluster. Die Ausgaben dieser beiden Befehle sind identisch und werden im Abschnitt Ausgabeformat beschrieben. Cache-Engine-Version 1.4.14 oder höher Für die Cache-Engine-Version 1.4.14 ode...