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In Fig. 2, we show a sketch of the region with the lowest period inside a complex periodic window. We refer to it as main-body window, frequently found in the two-dimensional parameter space of the dynamical system given by Eq. (1). This main-body window has the same period and is...
The intermolecular reactivity of these ligands allows the molecules to be dispersed in various complex fluids30. Indeed, the influence of added POSS molecules on glassy dynamics has been investigated in several previous works28,29,33,34. Figure 1 SANS scattering intensity of a deuterated p-xylene ...
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Also, satellite techniques that use microwave sensors often do not work near the coastline and over land because of the complex emissivity of land surfaces. Finally, a Pacific winter storms reconnaissance program, akin to the hurricane reconnaissance program held each year during the Atlantic ...
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