To help me identify where it was sourcing the material in that summary, NotebookLM provided a list of 10 citations from across the nine documents I had uploaded. I could then click on the citations to view those original source sections. I could also add that summary to my noteboard as...
This paper introduces Netfuzzlib, a framework that emulates network input and output in user space, allowing more efficient fuzz testing and symbolic execution of Linux network programs. We first systemize common requirements and caveats for efficient fu
iadpython will be a pure Python module to do forward and inverse multiple light scattering (radiative transport) in layered materials. Calculations are done using van de Hulst's adding-doubling technique. The original adding-doubling algorithm was developed by van de Hulst to model light propagation...
It is crucial that the adaptive nature of a design does not undermine the trial’s integrity and validity [6]. By integrity of a trial, we mean that the data have not been used in such a way as to substantially alter the result, while the validity of the results requires that the stu...
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