Merge Google sheets, update cells & add related columns — all using QUERY QUERY is one of the most powerful functions in Google spreadsheets. So it's no surprise I'm going to use it today to merge some Google sheets, update cells and add extra columns at the same time. This function ...
avoid line wrap in powershell output Az Module - Retrieve credential user name and password (Azure Automation) Backup Active Directory ACL to restore later backup and restore a specific registry key in powershell Backup Bitlocker recovery key in AD on existing bitlocker domain computer Bat file to...
How to fill empty datagridview cells (bound) with a text How to filter an unbound datagridview in How to Filter BindingSource for Cells that are Null or WhiteSpace in VB.NET? How to filter databound listbox using textbox in How to find datagridview current ce...
This will allow users to use Facebook, Google, or GitHub to log in. To use this feature, signup for a developer account with Facebook, Google, GitHub, etc. Create an app on their console, specify an app name, the originating URL and callback URL, copy the client ID and client secre...
There’s no perfect mouse for everyone, it depends on a bunch of factors, grip type, play style and hand size. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of mice according to size so you can find the right mouse size for your hand....
check when they're online, and easily send invites to play games together. Sadly though, Google Play Games currently doesn't have a friends list. However, that might change soon. Strings of code discovered in the latest teardown of the app reveal that the company is internally testing a fr...
Recent evidence suggests the failure is due to persistent activity of the androgen receptor, occurring because of intracellular conversion of steroids precursors to androgenic steroids by prostate cancer cells. A key enzyme in this process is CYP17, an enzyme which represents a logical target for ...
Cells[1].Range.Text) Add a trailing back slash if one doesn't exist. Add a user to local admin group from c# Add and listen to event from static class add characters to String add column value to specific row in datatable Add comments in application setting. Add Embedded Image to ...
getting values of cells in rowcommand in gridview Global Problem "Could Not Load Type 'WebApplication1.Global' " global variables for concurrent access Global.asax events are not firing Global.asax.vb problem Go back Previous Page in aspx.vb button good morning, good afternoon, good evening Goo...
Avoid blank cells in excel export Avoid Report Server authentication with reports embeded via iframe Back to Parent Button in SSRS not showing Background Color Formatting by expression in SSRS Report Background colour based on column group Backup Button is disabled in Reporting Services Configuration ...