(--lia-bs-primary-s), var(--lia-bs-primary-l), 0.2)","checkLabelMarginBottom":"2px","checkboxBorderRadius":"3px","borderRadiusSm":"100vw","borderRadius":"100vw","borderRadiusLg":"100vw","formTextMarginTop":"4px","textAreaBorderRadius":"18px","activeFillColor":"var...
As of theMay 2022 update, you can arrange custom and built-in states in the order that works best for you and aligns with your design. Here's how easy it is to rearrange states. In the States panel, simply select the state and drag it to your preferred location....
@MamaRockit Could you maybe try a residential lot with someone living there to see if it just goes into the inventory (there's another thread here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/items-go-into-inventory-after-changing-exterior-wall-color-or/td-p/12652069/jump-to/firs...
I just recently tried to add wallpaper to a room (living room) which had an archway connecting the room to the hallway. When I place the wallpaper down, it removes the archway. As you can see in the screenshot, when I hover over the walls, it shows the archway in yellow, hinting ...
way to get T4 rank items. And adding T2 Elite rank items to the game. I have a fighter that needs some T2 ELITE RANK items but there no where to be found in the game. How am I supposed to rank up my fighter if y'all don't have T2 Elite rank items available to us in...
s), calc(var(--lia-bs-gray-900-l) * 0.9))","tertiaryBgColor":"transparent","tertiaryBgHoverColor":"transparent","tertiaryBgActiveColor":"rgba(188, 0, 232, 0.04)","tertiaryBorder":"1px solid transparent","tertiaryBorderHover":"1px solid rgba(188, 0, 232, 0.08)","tertiaryBorder...
This may seem menial but since yesterday’s update some of my sims clothes look weird. The ‘tucked in’ tops are showing through the bottoms and it’s playing havoc with my OCD 🤪😜 is the update to blame? Looks so untidy 😂 😂 ...
I'm not sure there's a proper way. I mean, there are ways you can manually add the relationship bits but it's not going to work properly. It will only show them as being "Father" in the character panel and not the family tree or anywhere else. ...
Summarize your bugI tried powering up Antrel Rolle to a 90 ovr. It lets me select the 89 ovr. then it says “Our servers cannot process your request at this time. Please try again later.” How often does the bug occur?Every time (100%) ...
It's as though sims change into clothes straight out of dryer, and the rest of the clothes there aren't "clean" anymore. (And, then, they've got a hamper with more "used/dirty" clothes to wash.) Also noticed it with clothes in washer giving sims the "damp clothes" moodle...