There's a work around that I just discovered and used after putting togther a document that I needed to Bates number. 1. I saved the document as a word file. 2. I then output it as new .PDF file. 3. I added the Bates numbers and it worked without any further issues. Hope this ...
Third, click the buttonUpload and Convert. By this way, logos can be added in a few seconds. The output file will bounce to the screen automatically. Questions here: 1.Can I do the batch conversion with this online free tool? 2. Can I add image logo for the PDF file? Or the image...
There's a work around that I just discovered and used after putting togther a document that I needed to Bates number. 1. I saved the document as a word file. 2. I then output it as new .PDF file. 3. I added the Bates numbers and it worked without any further issues. Hope this ...