you need to log in to the Azure Portal, find your resource group or subscription, and ensure that the Contributor role is assigned to the Hybrid RP Application. This allows you to manage objects in that group.
You must use the same parameters as the existing node to register with Arc. For example: Resource Group name, Region, Subscription, and Tenant. Assign the following permissions to the newly added nodes: Azure Local Device Management Role
If you don’t add this, the default Azure AD tenant will be selected. So, if have only one tenant bound to your subscription, you can remove this from your script.The third line calling the New-AzureRmADApplication creats the application inside your Azure AD. Below an expla...
We're doing the same, Azure VMs for gateways. We tested the connections via SSMS and ended up standing up two identical VMs on the same Vnet, same subscription and same configuration, then clustering those together. It looks like the vastly different OS versions between the two were causing ...
Tenant ID You can find those by following thestep by step guidecreated by Microsoft. Active Directory Make sure you give your Active Directory App a high enough level of access. Check that your Active Directory Application is added to your Azure subscription and has the role Contributor. ...
upn=false&action=getStatus&timeout=90at Mitigation: Make user as storage blob data contributor to run notebooks and browse ADLS User Scenario5 –> User from different tenant and subscription...
To clean up resources and uninstall Kernel Memory from your Subscription, execute this command: azd down You'll be asked to confirm the deletion of the resource group, and after that you'll be asked to confirm deletion of your Azure AI Services. After that, all resources will be deleted. ...
Adding Github to your AD B2C User Flow At this point, the GitHub identity provider has been set up, but it’s not yet available in any of the sign-in pages. To add the GitHub identity provider to a user flow: In your Azure AD B2C tenant, select User flows. ...
You must use the same parameters as the existing node to register with Arc. For example: Resource Group name, Region, Subscription, and Tenant. Assign the following permissions to the newly added nodes: Azure Local Device Management Role
The Select-AzureRmSubscription method is not mandatory. If you don’t add this, the default Azure AD tenant will be selected. So, if have only one tenant bound to your subscription, you can remove this from your script.The third line calling the New-AzureRmADApplication crea...