DaVinci Resolve:免费且功能强大,适合各种用户。 2.2 硬件设备 (Hardware Devices) 高性能电脑:处理视频时需要较高的计算能力。 摄像头:用于录制视频。 麦克风:确保音质清晰。 3. 制作画中画的基本步骤 (Basic Steps to Create Picture-in-Picture) 3.1 导入视频素材 (Importing Video Materials) 首先,打开你选择的...
DaVinci Resolve is one of the best video editing software you can get on Windows, and arguably the biggest rival to Adobe Premiere. However, Adobe has been moving at a glacial pace adding support forArm-based Windows devices, so Blackmagic's DaVinci Resolve is going to have a major advanta...
这样可以避免在剪辑过程中出现不必要的问题。 2. 导入视频和音频 (Importing Video and Audio) 将所有需要的素材导入到项目中。注意音频文件的质量,确保它们与视频内容相匹配。良好的音频效果能够显著提升视频的整体质量。 三、剪辑基础 (Basic Editing) 在导入素材后,开始进行基本的剪辑。这包括剪切、拼接、调整音频...
The only solution I've found is exporting my video with NO audio, then importing it into Resolve and doing the audio mix there. That's not really a solution, though. It's more of a reason to stop using Premiere. I've read up and down this threa...
Certified DaVinci Resolve Color Trainer • AdvancedColorTraining.com Dermot Shane Posts:2865 Joined:Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:48 pm Location:Vancouver, Canada Re: SDK for adding capabilities to Resolve? Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:17 am Marc Wielage wrote:I use about 50 macros for my day-to-day work...
I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I heard that this service DOES NOT work for ANY school account (Adobe wants your money). I'm only using it for school (because I have to) but I have already purchased Davinci Resolve Studio 18 and will be using that instead o...
We learn tricks for timing your animations with a narrator's audio and creating contrast between graph animations and compositions that are based more in the imagery surrounding the subject. This course is a complete step-by-step process for creating your own animated infographic. If you want to...
We learn tricks for timing your animations with a narrator's audio and creating contrast between graph animations and compositions that are based more in the imagery surrounding the subject. This course is a complete step-by-step process for creating your own animated infographic. If you want to...
I hope to help you with this and sorry for my English. My workstations are quite powerful and I had that problem with this version of Davinci Resolve. The problem was solved by installing the NVIDIA 471.11 studio drivers, at least in my case. ...
In other programs I've used, inserting an element into the timeline would cause the video and audio clips behind it to shift right to accommodate, however in this case it just covers the first few seconds of video, and the audio plays over the black screen... I can't seem to move ...