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R.m.s.d. bonds (Å)/angles (°) 0.008/0.96 0.007/0.794 0.008/0.979 0.011/1.11 0.009/1.05 Average B factors (Å2) 48.2 44.0 44.0 51.9 53.3 biomolecule/solvent (Å2) 48.0/49.9 /42.5 /45.9 51.3/52.7 53.2/46.9 Ramachandran plot regions: most favored, allowed (%) 98.4/1.4 99.0/1.0...
Thermochromic wood can not only satisfy people’s visual enjoyment but also be designed from multiple angles according to consumer needs, so it has a broad space for development in home decoration and other fields [28]. Wood usually needs surface treatment before use, and the discolouration ...
In the equations below, we present first the nonlinear form and then the linear form (assuming small angles). The angle of attack is: $$ \alpha = -\arctan \frac{\left(U_0\sin\theta + r \dot{\theta}\right)}{U_0 \cos\theta} \approx -\theta -\frac{r}{U_0}\dot{\theta} $...
The other characteristic peaks of 24.43° A and 16.44° A having the diffraction angles 3.61° and 5.37°. The XRD characterization of MMT shows an interlayer distance is 14.3° A (see FIG. 5). EXAMPLE 2 Further modification to increase the basal spacing between tie clay layers obtained in...
The angles between the y axis and the first roller of each sprocket were φ1.p and φ1.g for driving and driven sprocket, respectively. The angles θin.p and θin.g were the chain angles, relative to the x axis, of the first links in contact with the driving and driven sprocket, ...
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