If you have a feature request of find a bug please us the Github Tracker to report them. Download: GitHub: https://github.com/gOOvER/Name2Chat/releases/latest CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/name2chat Wago.io: https://addons.wago.io/addons/name2chat WoWInterface: ht...
In this tutorial we'll show you how to add new product categories so your visitors can find products that you group together.
OpenSearchis a really easy feature that you can add to your website in literally minutes. Seconds if you type fast. Check me out noticing this onlythree years late. :) Give it a try! IMPORTANT NOTES:Make sure you include the first line of the XML file (the XML declaration) or IE ...
Note: RingMenu for Classic WoW is still in Beta. Some features (e.g. animations) are currently missing. Setup and Configuration Go toMain Menu>Interface Options>AddOns>RingMenuand use theKey Bindingfield to choose an appropriate button to open / close the RingMenu. This can be any keyboard ...
Set a personal comment on players and adding it to player information tooltip. www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/personal-player-notes Topics addon classic world-of-warcraft retail curseforge wow-addon wotlk Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 5 stars Watchers 3 watching Fork...