There's two ways that we can apply Photoshop's Brightness/Contrast command; one is as astatic adjustment, the other is as anadjustment layer. We covered how to apply it as a static adjustment in theprevious tutorial. The problem with static adjustments, though, is that they make permanent c...
28_在 Photoshop 中反相选择(28_Inverting_selections_in_Photoshop) 29_在 Photoshop 中转换层(29_Transforming_layers_in_Photoshop) 30_从文档中删除背景图层(30_Removing_the_background_layer_from_your_document) 31_内容识别缩放在 Photoshop 中(31_Content-aware_scaling_in_Photoshop) 32_在 Photoshop 中的...
Add an image as a layer in Photoshop, step by step. When you’re working in Photoshop,adding in a photo as a layerallows you to manipulate the photo and gives you control over the layer as part of the greater composition. Learning how to add pictures as layers is a great starting poin...
You’ll have to select your Text layer and make sure that the Text tool is still selected on the main toolbox as well. Then go to Dockable Dialogs - Tool Options to open the Tool Options dialog. There you can change the font and tweak the settings of your text. Overall, If you have...
There are Photoshop Script the around that will add a text layer containing the Image name and date taken if available in the metadata onto the image. However, many web image have no metadata its been striped. You could modify one of these scripts to also include some copy...
#target photoshop var textArray = ["Hello"]; var fontSize = 13; var fontFamily = "KomikaAxis"; var strokeSize = 10; for (var i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) { var currentText = textArray[i]; var textLayer = app.activeDocument.artLayers.add(); textLayer...
In this computer based training course, Jeff covers almost all of the 3D tools that are available to you in Photoshop, such as; creating 3D meshes using presets, using tools suck as deform, taper, inflate and shear to extrude objects. He also explains how to work with 3D text and ...
Photoshop AE模板AE模板 PR模板PR模板 剪映模板剪映模板 FCPX模板FCPX模板 MG|动画MG|动画 FlashFlash 高清实拍高清实拍 短视频短视频 创意片库创意片库 后期特效后期特效 舞台背景舞台背景 VR360VR360 免费商用 (CC协议)免费商用 (CC协议) 版权商用 (39元/条)版权商用 (39元/条)...
翼狐网致力于推动CG艺术发展,为用户提供海量的CG视频教程,本节内容主要介绍Photoshop CS6要点拓展(Total Training出品)之课时38:06. Adding Layer Styles to Text.
It is pretty clear how we can batch watermark photos at once using Photoshop and iMyFone MarkGo. Photoshop requires a lot of steps and is a little complex for a first-time user. WhereasiMyFone MarkGocan batch watermark multiple photos with just a click. MarkGo is the simplest tool for ad...