You can add a grid to the window from a database. This is typically a polygon grid that has been created using the Create Polygon Grid wizard. You can choose any polygon feature class to use as a grid; however, you may be required to add an additional field that...
Adding a new group ArcMap 10.8 | Help archive ArcGIS Desktop is inmature supportand will be retired March 1, 2026. There are no plans for future releases of ArcGIS Desktop, and it is recommended that you migrate to ArcGIS Pro. SeeMigrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Profor more information....
Common vector features include points, lines, and polygons. Although only one filename appears with a .shp extension, shapefiles are actually collections of related files. When viewed in File Explorer, you will see all of the related files (as seen in the following figure). ArcGIS treats ...
>>> arcpy.CreateRegularPolygons_mytools( 服务器工具箱 也可以使用ImportToolbox将地理处理服务添加到脚本环境。 无论是从本地服务器还是 Internet 服务器添加地理处理服务,服务器和工具箱名称均以分号分隔。 添加地理处理服务的示例语法 # Import a geoprocessing serviceimportarcpy# To add a toolbox from a In...
>>> arcpy.CreateRegularPolygons_mytools( 添加和删除服务器工具箱 地理处理服务也可通过ImportToolbox添加到脚本环境中。无论是从本地还是从 Internet 服务器添加地理处理服务,服务器名称和工具箱名称都用分号分隔。 添加地理处理服务的示例语法 # Import a geoprocessing service#importarcpy# To add a toolbox fr...
Channel tabs and tide tables are used to show the depths of specific areas on a nautical chart for navigational purposes. The values found in these tables can often be pulled directly from the database. The graphic table element (GTE) is used to link values from your datab...
You must provide a geographic extent (area of interest) before a grid can be created as features. If you are using the Grids and Graticules Designer, the area of interest must be a selected polygon in your current ArcMap session.
>>> arcpy.ImportToolbox("c:/mytools/geometrytools.tbx") >>> arcpy.CreateRegularPolygons_geometry( 通过ArcPy 站点包访问某个工具时,该工具所在的工具箱的别名是必填后缀(arcpy.<工具名称>_<别名>)。由于·ArcPy 要根据工具箱别名来访问和执行正确的工具,因此,当导入自定义工具箱时别名极其重要。一种很好...
>>> arcpy.ImportToolbox("c:/mytools/geometrytools.tbx") >>> arcpy.CreateRegularPolygons_geometry( ArcPy サイト パッケージを介してツールにアクセスする際には、そのツールが含まれているツールボックスのエイリアスが接頭辞として必要です (arcpy.<toolname>_<alias>)。ArcPy による...
If you are using a layer with point features as the evaluation layer, the first point is automatically snapped to the nearest point feature. The second point automatically snaps to the nearest feature if it is a layer with line or point features. If you are using polygons or rast...