You got me on the right track and I figured out how to work with cell size and editing Photo Info in the Print Module to get what I want. However, I'd really like for my caption remain with the image in the Library as part of processing so that I can export it out to other ...
In the example, we have used the phrase“caption example”. Captions are a great way to avoid having to write multiple paragraphs about the picture you are sharing with your readers, and instead caption it right from the media editor. This is how it could look like in a real post: So ...
To add the featured image, drag over aFeatured Imagewidget. Then, to add text, use theCaptiondrop-down and set it to either: Attachment Caption– it will pull the caption fromthe WordPress Media Librarycaption box. Custom Caption– you can enter a custom caption. If you combine this with ...
Is there any specific reason why the OneDrive Personal has a option to add a caption to an image in OneDrive and the OneDrive business doesn't have this option? Since last year I believe, in a personal OneDrive account (connected to your account), ...
"components": [ { "role": "photo", "layout": "halfMarginAboveContainedLayout", "URL": "bundle://sidebar.jpg", "caption": "A caption for the sidebar photo.", "animation": { "type": "fade_in", "userControllable": true, "initialAlpha": 0.5 } }, ... ] }, ... ] } ], ....
Photos for iOS on the iPhone cannot display keywords, titles, caption. So it has no tool to add them. But if you are syncing the photos with iCloud Photos from a Mac, you can add keywords, titles, caption in Photos on the Mac, and then use these metadata in searches on the iPhone...
» Draw attention to the subject of your photo with Focus or Vignette » Easy to add word/caption to photo » Advanced text & photo editor » Exclusive fonts » Touch-up selfies with redeye and blemish removal » Boost smile wattage with teeth whitening ...
» Easy to add word/caption to photo » Advanced text & photo editor » Exclusive fonts » Touch-up selfies with redeye and blemish removal » Boost smile wattage with teeth whitening » Crop, rotate, and straighten your photos »Free photo transform for best fit »Move – Zoom...
For the time being, do it the old-fashioned way and write a list of names into the caption of the photo - left to right : Dad, Mom, Junior etc. Then you can look up the names and a search will find them as well. I am sometimes duplicating a photo and are using mark-up to ci...
photosensitivyWarningInfoText: 'Some people may experience may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to colored lights. Use caution if you, or anyone in your family, have an epileptic condition.', goodFitCaptionText: 'Good fit', goodFitAltText: "Ilustration of a person's face, perfectly ...