However, you can still use tried-and-tested tools to navigate these new difficulties. The ADDIE model of instructional development is one of those tools. The fundamentals of learning have stayed the same, and ADDIE helps us to remember how to make development programs that really work. This ar...
Overall, the application of the Addie model in the teaching of the middle school biology unit was successful. The systematic approach provided by the model helped to ensure that the lesson was well-planned, engaging, and effective in meeting the learning objectives. 应用研究 Addie模型是教育领域广...
What is the use of the ADDIE model in teaching and development? Learning constraints exist, yes. That is why the ADDIE model was invented as a more systematic and easier approach to learning. Being the most simple, yet effective way of creating an instructional design, the ADDIE method is ...
Keywords:software engineering;teaching design;ADDIE model;e-learning 1 引言(Introduction) 在线学习在企业培训管理的教学实践中难以落地是众多 企业皆面临的问题,且其原因具有多面性,虽然实施的压力 重重,但在线学习平台依然是众多大中企业不可或缺的信息 化之路与管理改善的工具. 企业在面临学习平台的应用推广过程...
一、ADDIE模型概述 ADDIE模型是一种在美国及西欧国家应用广泛的系统性培训模型,最初由美国军队发明,用于保证士兵训练效率和效果,由于应用效果良好,因此在美国本土和其他国家各类培训中得到广泛使用,成为当今较为流行的教学设计模型之一。ADDIE模型的名称来自于模型的五个阶段,即Analysis(分析)、Design(设计)、...
With regard to this situation, this in-depth research investigated methods to improve teaching and learning in online classes that are delivered through Blackboard. One of the instructional design models, the ADDIE model, was used to redesign part of the chosen online course for the treatment ...
duringtheirlearningexperiences.TheADDIE(Analysis,Design,Development, Implementation,Evaluation)modelisconsideredageneralinstructionaldesign modelthatillustratesessentialstepsrequiredforinstructionaldesign.However,there iscurrentlyanabsenceofsystematictheoryandeffectiveguidanceforunitteaching design.Thispaperaimstoprovideguidanceon...
[5] Rex Heer. A Model of Learning Objectives based on A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives[EB/OL]. ...
The present research aimed to examine the effectiveness of the ADDIE model as used in teaching online in the LMS of Blackboard® and its facilities such as discussion boards, forums and blogs for improving the creative writing skills of EFL college students. The researcher utilized a qua...