Added variable plot of linear regression model collapse all in pageSyntax plotAdded(mdl) plotAdded(mdl,coef) plotAdded(mdl,coef,Name,Value) plotAdded(ax,___) h = plotAdded(___)Description plotAdded(mdl) creates an added variable plot for the whole model mdl except the constant (intercept...
Added variable plotCommands To Reproduce PDF doc entries webuse auto regress price mpg weight avplot mpg [R] regression diagnostics Products New in Stata 18 Why Stata All features Disciplines Stata/MP StataNow Order Stata Purchase Order Stata Bookstore Stata Press Stata Journal Gift ...
new function to add extended box plot and/or spike histograms as layers to a `ggplot2` plot * seqFreq: new function to find sequential counts of exclusions to do NAs in multiple variables, arranging so that the variable with the highest number of NAs is examined first, the subsequent varia...
% create cell of IRF record for variable ii in response to shock jj if jj==1 temp=['response of ' endo{ii,1} ' to constant shocks']; else temp=['response of ' endo{ii,1} ' to ' exo{jj-1,1} ' shocks']; temp=exo_irf_estimates{ii,kk,nn}; hold(ax, 'on'); Xpatch=[...
scatter y1var y2var xvar 8 graph twoway scatter — Twoway scatterplots would plot y1var versus xvar and overlay that with a plot of y2var versus xvar, so it is the same as typing . scatter y1var xvar || scatter y2var xvar If, using the multiple-variable syntax, you specify ...
random seed used to generate Gaussian knockoff variable Returns --- selected : 1D array, int vector of index of selected variables test_score : 1D array, (n_features, ) vector of test statistic thres : float knockoff threshold X_tilde : 2D array, (n_samples, n_features) knockoff design...
Notes: N = Number of observations; MDV = Mean Dependent Variable; FE = Fixed effects; AIC = Akaike info criterion; SC = Schwarz criterion; D-W = Durbin-Watson statistic. T-statistics are calculated using heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors. In the upper part, ...
A ref or out argument must be an assignable variable A route named ' ' could not be found in the route collection. Parameter name: name A socket operation encountered a dead network A TCP error (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissio...
If we store the textbox name into a global variable. we could delete the inserted textbox based on the name. prettyprint Sub CreateATextBox() Dim sp As Shape Set sp = Sheet1.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 550, 100, 150, 300) With sp.TextFrame2.TextRange .Text = "...
There are several plot functions that allow you to see, for example, the Power spectral density for frequency domain features : There are several plot functions that allow you to see, for example, the Power Spectral Density (PSD) for frequency domain features or Poincaré Plot for non linear ...