WASHINGTON — Of all the issues the Obama administration is grappling with, a modest redesign of what food labels say about sweeteners might not have seemed among the more controversial. But ever since first lady Michelle Obama unveiled the plan last year, a lobbying frenzy has ensued.South ...
“If you’re one of the unfortunate people that really struggles with craving and compulsion around sugar, you’re stuck in a food environment that is constantly feeding you cues: Eat sugar, eat sugar,” Dr. Laura Schmidt told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently on his ...
Sugar doesn't lurk only in dessert. Some food makers add it to things like frozen food, pasta sauce, bread, and baby food. The sweet stuff goes by a bunch of other names, too-- more than 50 in all. So check labels for ones like evaporated cane juice, molasses, barley malt, and f...
A large strawberry contains about 1 gram of natural sugar. They are low in sugar, unless you dip them in sugar before giving them to your kids. Photo by Ken Hammond If there is a bad sugar, it is the added sugars in foods that help us get too much sugar in our diets. Also, when...
What is the difference between types of sugar? Find out if some are healthier than others and what it can mean for your health.
Food labels of food products indicate the presence of added sugars. Knowing the different terms used to describe added sugars helps people to avoid food products rich in added sugars. Therefore, it is of interest to assess consumer knowledge about the added sugar terms on food labels. A study...
Sticking as closely as possible to these guidelines means scrutinizing food labels. Look for the line that shows you the “added sugar” content in a food to tally up the grams of excess sugar you consume in a day. We hope these five tips help you reset your sugar consumption. Listen to...
Sticking as closely as possible to these guidelines means scrutinizing food labels. Look for the line that shows you the “added sugar” content in a food to tally up the grams of excess sugar you consume in a day. We hope these five tips help you reset your sugar consumption. Listen to...
Added sugars are those sugars that are removed from their original source and added to foods, usually as a sweetener or as a preservative for longer shelf life. It is important to note that sugar presents itself in many guises on food labels(e.g. dextrose, lactose, molasses, invert sugar...
Should Added Sugar Be on the Nutrition Facts Labels?Nutrition Diva Monica Reinagel