Adda247 is India's largest vernacular learning platform. It provides online courses in more than 12 Indian languages for Government and Entrance exams like Banking, SSC, Railway, UPSC, State PCS, NEET-JEE, CUET, JAIIB-CAIIB, Teaching, Defence etc.
Yes! We provide our SSC GD Constable Mock Test Series in Hindi also. So, the language should not be the reason to hinder you and your exam. Accessible in the Adda247 store and Adda247 Mobile App -Our SSC GD Constable Mock Test Series 2024 is available in the Adda274 store, and on ...
2. Free Mock Test Series & E-Books (PDF): Adda247 app provides best study material in the form of Mock tests and E-books. We offer SSC mock test, IBPS mock test, SBI Clerk Mock test, State exam Mock test. 3. Video Courses: Visual exam prep is facilitated by Adda247's video cour...
Our test series, daily study notes, and mock tests help candidates to prepare themselves on a daily basis for the examination. This will help candidates in increasing their speed and Accuracy. Candidates can attempt proper section-wise mock tests for all topics. We provide topic-wise mock tests...
You don’t have to spend your fortunes on high-quality and authentic study materials for preparation for your upcoming Teaching Jobs Exam. As we offer you all the study materials such as e-books, mock tests, test series, video assistance, online classes, and so much more at affordable price...
1. When you use the Platform by way of registration, log in, creation of a user account, purchase of a test series, video course, attempting a mock test, etc. or by way of interaction via third party websites and/or mobile applications or by any other way of communication with the Pl...
Test Series Mock Tests Live Classes Videos Course Ebooks Books SSCAdda, the best SSC exams preparation website in India provides the latest job notifications, and study materials and helps students to crack SSC, Railway and other Government exams. Download Adda247 App Follow us on Adda247 Offic...
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