shim_name: &str, LPFILETIME_op: &OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.assert_target_os("windows", "GetSystemTimeAsFileTime"); this.check_no_isolation("`GetSystemTimeAsFileTime`")?; this.assert_target_os("windows", shim_name...
@@ -4278,6 +4278,7 @@ extern char *shim_getlogin(void); extern int shim_get_mempolicy(int *mode, unsigned long *nodemask, unsigned long maxnode, unsigned long addr, unsigned long flags); extern int shim_getrandom(void *buff, size_t buflen, unsigned int flags); extern int shim_get...
Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create pod network sandbox xxxxxxxxx(xxxxxxxx): error adding pod yyyyyyyyyyyy to CNI network "multus-cni-network": plugin type="multus-shim" name="multus-cni-network" failed (add): CmdAdd (shim): CNI request fail...
Procedure for Incorporating the Unmanaged COM Add-in Shim into a Managed COM Add-in Project Insert the Correct Assembly, Public Key Token, and Connect Class Values Checklist and Notes Conclusion Introduction Deploying and installing a managed COM add-in securely in Microsoft® Office XP currently ...
For your shim, add another #import for the typelib of your managed assembly, eg: // Imports the typelib for the RangeUDF add-in assembly. #import "libid:917E2CFA-D16C-41b4-BD33-6EE0254C98FD" raw_interfaces_only named_guids Recall that the stdafx.h is used for the precompiled h...
1、ToolsMsmCA(Error): Setup package issue or CoreCon DataStore corrupted: CDeviceSDKInstallShim Add/Remove failed. HR=0x8007005。 2、ToolsMsmCA(Error): Setup package issue or CoreCon DataStore corrupted: DeviceSDKInstComp Add/Remove failed. HR=0x8007005。
CDeviceSDKInstallShim添加/删除失败。这个是比较难缠的问题了,因为你之前安装的程序是Windows Installer(简称MSI)的安装格式的,尽管卸载了,但是安装文件还存在于Windows\Installer的系统隐藏目录下,彻底解决之道就是去下载一个 windows install clean up(微软自己出的卸载软件,用它可以完美卸载Windows Installer...
shim project with a Microsoft Outlook® add-in developed using Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET. When you use the COM add-in shim with a managed code add-in, you can add the add-in to the Trusted Sources page of the Administrative Form in a Microsoft Exchange public folder. Add-ins ...
When you use the COM add-in shim with a managed code add-in, you can add the add-in to the Trusted Sources page of the Administrative Form in a Microsoft Exchange public folder. Add-ins that have been added to the Trusted Sources page are not subject to the object model guard ...
When you use the COM add-in shim with a managed code add-in, you can add the add-in to the Trusted Sources page of the Administrative Form in a Microsoft Exchange public folder. Add-ins that have been added to the Trusted Sources page are not subject to the object model guard ...