add_custom_command (TARGET our_target POST_BUILD VERBATIMCOMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E echo "Installing our_target..."COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME=$<CONFIG> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT=${PROJECT_NAME} -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake") It works...
不过看了下,不同阶段,自定义脚本的方式并不完全一样,add_custom_command只能用于构建阶段的自定义,如果要对安装阶段进行自定义,得: install(SCRIPT cmake_install.cmake...-p [iphoneos|android|linux|windows|mingw] -a [arm64|armv7|i386|x86_64] xmake cmake cmake似乎对不同平台和架构的编译配置方...
cmake_install.cmake .vscode/ 4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion 4 CMakeLists.txt Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ set(CMAKE_LOCAL_ROOT ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_LOCAL_ROOT}/Mod...
The Windows command prompt mostly has two font choices:LucidaorRaster. One must install a font on a system using web services like FontSquirrel, Google Fonts, and others to add custom fonts. As mentioned earlier, the Command Prompt will recognize only monospace fonts. Additionally, Microsoft also...
When the add-in works correctly, you can use Procedure 4 to publish the add-in so that others can easily install it.Procedure 4. To publish the ManualTaskColor add-inIn Solution Explorer, right-click the RibbonAddIn project, and then click Properties. In the RibbonAddIn tab, click the ...
After reading the install guide I'd recommend also looking at the DCS Community Keybinds project by Munkwolf, it uses this mod and contains many community requested input commands without you needing to code them manually. The goal of this mod Commonly in DCS users with unique input systems ...
Don’t forget to use the custom install option and specify the Visual Studio Extensibility Tools. If you don’t, you will need to rerun the setup, to install the extensibility tools that include the project templates and reference assemblies used in this walkthrough....