💡 也可以同时为一个参数指定缩写和全名,如`parser.add_argument('-n3', ‘—-number3’, type=int, help='输入一个数字')` ,此时这个参数会保存在 `args.number3` 中(而不是 `args.n3` ,`args` 中不存在名为 `n3` 的变量) 参数action action- 当参数在命令行中出现时使用的动作基本类型。 Argum...
关于parser.add_argument()记录一个特殊的情况:action 栗子1:self.parser.add_argument('--lr_use',action='store_true', default=False,help='if or not use lr_loss') 当在终端运行的时候,如果不加入--lr_use,那么程序running的时候,lr_use的值为default: False 如果加上了--lr_use,不需要指定True/Fa...
这样的 在你需要到一个你路由器没有学习到的网段的时候 需要手动路由.比如说你是A 要到 B. 你只有你邻居C的地址.那么要到B的话只能指一条B的地址,网关是C.当B也有你的地址时那么你们就可以互相通信了.可能是你掩码设错了吧.
求翻译:Similarly one can add to this line of argument that firm size is equally of very high tendency to affect accounting policy choice a situation that appears to have been identified by bodies like the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and Accounting Standards setting bodies like F...
Similarly one can add to this line of argument that firm size is equally of very high tendency to affect accounting policy choice a situation that appears to have been identified by bodies like the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and Accounting Standards setting bodies like Financial...