+ pkg/wakaama: Notify resource updates when writing to resources (#20326) + sys/net/ipv4: add IPV4_ADDR_INIT() macro (#20354) * always use nanocoap_resources instead of manually assembling coap_resources[] (#20374) * cord_lc: Process truncated reads (#20547) ...
Add a Property to an Array that Adds a Range of IPs Add a URL rewrite condition on IIS using Powershell Add Array Items to Listbox Add blank column to csv with no header? Add column to text file Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD g...
You don't scan for updates in WinPE though as WinPE has no update scanning facility. Thus as noted, simply move your task to after the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr task which marks the beginning of the process in the OS you are deploying. ...
As you can see\u2587renders as a rectangle in most windows consoles, and not like a box as in the GitHub using a browser (shown in OP.) So if you're going to add 2587 you should probably consider adding2585, 2580, 25A0as well, to make sure people actually can print a box when ...
ENABLE(In CSV:REACH_CHECK_ENABLE)—Checks for reachability and then updates the Reachability State in the user interface automatically. DISABLE(In CSV:REACH_CHECK_DISABLE)—The device reachability check is disabled. Cisco recommends th...
I am using MDT 2013 update 1. I am trying to run under postinstall, right after configure but getting error. tried after add windows recovery (winre) with no luck. So I create folder under script, and running as command line (powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File “%SCRIPTROOT%\...
change windows event log to a shared folder . cleaning up the installer folder in Windows 2012 R2 CMD /c , CMD /k, START, CALL - Batch files - How to use? Command-prompt to check installed Windows Updates Console session Vs remote session Copy Folder to Remote Computer ROBOCOPY.exe Corre...
I have some computers where I'm deploying the image via MDT currently and we just had all our printers upgraded/changed. What would be the best way to push out the driver updates to all our users? Should I include it in the driver list for for each relevant machine? Have a ruleset ...
This spec covers the addition of a "command palette" to the Windows Terminal. The Command Palette is a GUI that the user can activate to search for and execute commands. Beneficially, the command palette allows the user to execute commandseven if they aren't bound to a keybinding. ...
+ pkg/wakaama: Notify resource updates when writing to resources (#20326) + sys/net/ipv4: add IPV4_ADDR_INIT() macro (#20354) * always use nanocoap_resources instead of manually assembling coap_resources[] (#20374) * cord_lc: Process truncated reads (#20547) * gnrc_ipv6_nib: Ignor...